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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

CBT is a evidence-based psychotherapy that focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is grounded in the belief that our thoughts and perceptions in uence our emotions and behaviors, and by changing our thought patterns, we can e ectively change how we feel and act.

How Does CBT Work?

In CBT, therapists work collaboratively with clients to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to emotional distress. Through structured sessions, clients learn practical skills and coping strategies to manage symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

Key Principles of CBT:

Cognitive Restructuring: Clients learn to identify and challenge distorted or unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, replacing them with more realistic and balanced perspectives.

Behavioral Activation: Clients engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment, even when they don't feel like it, to counteract feelings of depression or low motivation.

Exposure Therapy: Clients gradually confront feared situations or triggers in a safe and controlled environment to reduce anxiety and overcome avoidance behaviors.

Skill Building: Clients learn practical skills such as problem-solving, communication, and stress management to effectively navigate life's challenges.

Homework Assignments: Clients practice skills and strategies learned in therapy between sessions to reinforce learning and facilitate progress.

What Can CBT Help With?

CBT has been proven effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including:

• Depression

• Anxiety disorders (including generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias)

• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

• Eating disorders

• Substance abuse

• Chronic pain

• Sleep disorders

• Relationship issues

Why Choose CBT?

Empowerment: CBT empowers individuals to take an active role in their treatment and learn skills they can use for a lifetime.

Evidence-Based: CBT is supported by decades of research demonstrating its effectiveness in treating various mental health concerns.

Focused and Time-Limited: CBT is typically structured and goal-oriented, often yielding positive results in a relatively short period.

Versatility: CBT can be adapted to suit individuals of all ages and backgrounds, making it a versatile and widely accessible treatment option.

Does Your Insurance Cover Mental Health Care?

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